While in the TMV Host Control Panel you’ll find a feature–rich, intuitive Database Manager! Utilize it to have full control over your databases. It is easy to efficiently configure new MySQL and PgSQL databases and supervise them with the phpMyAdmin and phpPgAdmin software programs, respectively.

A Simple to use User interface

The easiest to use database management interface

Database management might sound like a difficult job to beginner hosting customers, however with TMV Host’s Database Manager, it’s in fact pretty simple! To set up a whole new database, you only have to enter in your username and password. Database backups are simply a mouse click away also.People that would like to examine their databases and change them should use the phpMyAdmin and phpPgAdmin tools.

Hepsia File Manager

Simple and quick Database Backup

Database backups are a mouse click away

With the Database Manager it’s easy to generate an archived copy of your database when you desire! For this reason, you will always have a back–up of your active content in the event your website gets hacked or you incorrectly get rid of a database. To create a back–up: click on the ’clock’ icon on the side of any database and then just wait for a couple of seconds for the backup process to be done.

There are no restrictions for the quantity of databases you can back up or the amount of backups you may make for a database.

Hepsia File Manager

Support for PgSQL

Assured security for one’s databases

PgSQL databases are less popular as opposed to the standard MySQL databases. Having said that, they represent a favored alternative for programmers seeking the uttermost security for their sites and web applications. Via the easy–to–use Database Manager built into the TMV Host Control Panel, you can manage all your PostgreSQL databases with only a mouse click.

You will find PgSQL databases included by default inside of the best Linux shared packages packages. In case you are with a basic hosting package, you can ask for PgSQL databases to be included in your website hosting account as upgrades.

Hepsia File Manager

InnoDB Databases

The newest face of MySQL

With TMV Host, you’ll always discover the latest release of MySQL and also the default MySQL storage engine – InnoDB, mounted.

InnoDB is a lot more stable than the old storage engine’s edition – MyISAM. It’s ACID–compliant and, best of all – it gives you complete transaction support. Furthermore, it utilizes row–level locking, rather than MyISAM’s table–level locking, that would always result in effectiveness troubles at peak usage periods.

Hepsia File Manager

Detailed Database Stats

Precise statistics for your databases

Keeping track of the load accumulated by the databases for your busy web site makes it possible to prevent all overload issues that might slow it down and chase away website visitors. For this purpose, we have provided a thorough Database Stats tool straight into the Control Panel. There you can see all–inclusive information on the inbound requests to your databases for every single hour, day and month.

In line with the number of daily and hourly queries, it is possible to find out what databases are being used the most and also take measures to enhance their work.

Hepsia File Manager