The complete web analytics figures inside your Control Panel will allow you to keep an eye on pretty much all actions on your websites. You’ll receive actual time info on the load generated in your account along with the site traffic they have on an hourly, weekly and monthly basis. You’ll also find information regarding our servers in general such as the physical IP address, the OS, the variations of PHP and MySQL and much more. All the information is sorted in sections for you to easily locate it.

Server Data

More information regarding your hosting server

Inside the Server Data part of the Control Panel, you’ll find details regarding the web server your Linux shared packages account is located on. You can check the Operating System, the physical IP address and the present Perl/MySQL variations, locate additional information in regards to the installed Perl modules and the incoming and outgoing mail servers, keep track of the server load, and so on.

You will also get details about the PHP edition without needing to set up phpinfo files, and so on.

Hepsia File Manager

Access & Error Logs

Understand how individuals communicate with your website

Through the Access & Error Logs section of the TMV Host Control Panel, you’ll be able to switch on and monitor the access and error stats for the websites located within your Linux shared packages account. The access log can be described as listing of the whole set of files submitted on your web page (such as text files, picture files, movie files, etc) that readers have requested to see.

The error log can be described as a collection of all of the caution and problem messages regarding your site. It will help you stay away from just about any potential problems with the website’s overall performance.

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Traffic Reports

Monitor the traffic to your web site in depth

Through the web stats instruments included in the TMV Host Control Panel, you’re able to keep an eye on the visitors on your web site in a great detail. You may choose in between 2 widely used statistics tools – Webalizer and Awstats, both of which make available to you details about the viewers to your site in addition to the information they check out on a daily, weekly and monthly base.

You do not have to put together anything in advance to receive website traffic information for your sites. In the Website Traffic Statistics part of the Control Panel, just simply open up the data file for any given site and collect the details that you require for your website marketing strategies.

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CPU Stats

Observe your websites’ server load

The CPU statistics enclosed in your Control Panel will offer you live details about the load that is created in your account from your scripts, database inquiries, etc. Therefore, the more dynamic and complex your website is, the more server assets it will require to always be operating smoothly.

The server load report is supplied in an easy–to–read method and gives you info about the hosting server load accumulated each day, monthly or per year. This specific information can keep you updated on the web server power utilization at any minute and will aid you to prevent your websites from moving offline due to hosting server overload (reached CPU use restrictions).

Hepsia File Manager