Control Panel

All the valuable site controls that you could require in a single place

Manage your sites with a simple click of your mouse applying our in–house developed point’n’click Application Installer. It is equipped with a drag & drop File Manager, a fully–featured Domain Name Manager for all your domains (you can change your WHOIS info and NS settings, lock/unlock and Whois Privacy Protect all of your domains, add custom DNS settings, and so on), a quick Email Account Manager (you can forward your email messages, switch on anti–spam defense and SPF (anti–spoofing) protection, set auto–responders and mail filtration, and so on), a Database Manager for managing a variety of MySQL/PgSQL databases, an in–depth statistics interface and quite a few professional tools.

Control Panel

Increased CPU quotas

More power for your web apps and web sites

A semi-dedicated server has been created to offer you considerably more resources when compared to a shared website hosting account, however in the same easy to use package with no server administration required. And since on a semi-dedicated server there are far less people than on a common hosting server, this suggests not just considerably more assets for your web sites but also increased stability for your online presence.

TMV Host’s Linux semi-dedicated hosting packages are equipped with greater CPU usage allocations, making them an excellent selection for your resource-consuming web sites and web applications.

Increased CPU quotas

Increased MySQL queries

Host active MySQL tables without problems

In the event that your shared hosting account can no longer deal with the CPU and MySQL load of your web site, relocating to a Linux semi-dedicated hosting package might be the most suitable option for you. You will get much bigger CPU usage and MySQL queries quotas for your websites to avail of.

Additionally, with more MySQL queries readily available, you can have a lot more customers using your applications or database-driven sites simultaneously.

Increased MySQL queries

USA Data Center

A top-of-the-line USA data center

All Linux semi-dedicated hosting packages are accommodated in our top-class USA located data center in Chicago, Illinois. It was among the few US data center entities that made it possible for us to deploy our unique internal network and also the only one that could deliver the hardware we needed promptly. It also has a superb service team, which is at hand 24/7/365.

Another excellent benefit of the USA located data center is that it provides exceptional network connectivity with the rest of the planet. Because of that, all US Linux semi-dedicated hosting packages will benefit from the best web site loading rates.

USA Data Center

Enhanced Service Stability and Security

Do not worry about your sites with our semi-dedicated hosting

We have built our Linux semi-dedicated hosting with balance of functionality and safety of site content material in mind. Since the server tension is evenly distributed to a lot of physical devices, your sites will go on loading quickly even if the server is under stress. This furthermore means that the hosting area is significantly less liable to hacker and distributed denial–of–service intrusions.

Enhanced Service Stability and Security

Web Accelerators

Use our services to make your Internet site blazing–fast

With TMV Host, you don’t really need to reduce code or to cut down your website’s content material to allow it to be load a lot faster. Thanks to the Web Site Accelerator Programs (Varnish, Node.js as well as Memcached) part of the Application Installer coming with each package deal, you can help to make your webpage stream much faster than ever – you could make it up to 500 times better!

Web Accelerators

Remote MySQL Access

Remote MySQL connections

Setting up a remote MySQL link may be troublesome with other website hosting providers. Yet, at TMV Host, we have made this task very easy – all you have to do is specify the IP of the host you have decided to give access to a data base and our smart platform will do all the rest. A remote MySQL connection may be extremely valuable in case you would like to share a data base between various web sites.

Remote MySQL Access

Faster Performance

Super quick data transfer speeds for your sites

We have raised the networking bandwidth to 10 Gbits so as to ensure considerably better connectivity as well as ultra–fast data transfer speeds for your websites. In addition, we have added extra servers in order to improve server upkeep processes and to reduce website outages. Our semi-dedicated hosting are equipped with NVMe hard disks, which have shown to be a lot quicker and more long–lasting than the standard Hard Disk Drives.

Faster Performance