An auto-responder email is a a message that's sent from your email address as the answer to each email that you get. The content is predetermined and is sent automatically, so each person that contacts you via electronic mail will receive it the instant their email is received on the server that takes care of your email messages. This feature is used if you need to inform individuals about different things, for example being out of the office for a given period or that the order has been received and is currently being prepared. The auto-responder e-mail additionally works as a confirmation for those who make contact with you their email has been received, even if you're unable to read it and get back to them immediately. It could contain virtually any text that you choose and it can be revised with respect to the exact occasion.

Auto-responder Emails in Shared Hosting

It will be easy to create an auto-responder message for any of your mailboxes with as little as a couple of mouse clicks with every single shared hosting plan that we provide you with. The only thing you will have to do is to visit the Emails part of your Hepsia Hosting Control Panel, select the auto-responder icon for a specific e-mail address, enter the message in the box that will appear and save the modifications. If you want to edit or delete some message, you'll need to follow the very same steps. The Emails section will let you view which mail accounts have an auto-responder option, so you're able to very easily monitor what's going on with your e-mails. You may also enable or disable the feature for different mail boxes at once.

Auto-responder Emails in Semi-dedicated Hosting

You will be able to activate the auto-responder feature for each of your e-mails if you use a semi-dedicated server plan from us. Our in-house made Hepsia Control Panel, which is used to control the hosting packages, is really intuitive and easy to work with, so adding an auto-responder will take you a couple of clicks - all it takes to do that is to go to the Emails area, click on the auto-responder button for any specific e-mail address, type the message that you want to be sent by our servers to people who contact you via email and save the modifications. In an identical way you'll be able to also change the text or entirely remove it if an automatic reply is not necessary. Hepsia furthermore will allow you to activate an auto-responder for a lot of email addresses simultaneously.