A lot of persons who begin using their very first hosting account, or switch companies, frequently have questions with regard to how certain things are accomplished or face difficulties when setting up different things such as e-mails, site settings, etc. That is the reason why, lots of hosting providers have prepared documentation with the most frequently asked questions and problems so as to help their customers obtain information swiftly and easily. As a result, the help desk support team can concentrate on actual issues that some customers may be facing, as the solution for the minor things will already be available on the web and clients will be able to easily fix them without having to touch base with the help desk support staff. Having exhaustive documentation is exceptionally important, especially for new clients with no experience whatsoever, because the web hosting service involves an abundance of features and many people can become confused about what action to take. A good knowledge base can both help you accomplish the tasks that you want and get to know how the hosting service works as a whole.

Extensive Online Documentation in Shared Hosting

If you get a shared hosting account from us, you will be given access to our exhaustive online help documentation where you will find info on virtually everything associated with our web hosting plans. The topics vary from how to create an email address on your hand-held device, to how to do different things using an .htaccess file. The articles themselves are written in an easy-to-understand fashion and feature elaborate instructions on how to perform a specific task inside your Hepsia hosting Control Panel. You can also find information that’s not directly associated with Hepsia, for example one that concerns web apps on your desktop PC. The entire archive of articles will be located in the Help section of the Control Panel, but those that are dedicated to a specific section can be accessed on the spot. Considering the fact that we’ve covered as many topics as possible, you’ll be able to find out more or less everything associated with your web hosting account.

Extensive Online Documentation in Semi-dedicated Hosting

The Help section of the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, which comes with our Linux semi-dedicated hosting, will permit you to access the extensive online support documentation that we’ve prepared for you. The articles themselves offer general info on our web hosting services, how-to guides about the various functions that you can access, together with troubleshooting guidelines that can help you fix common issues that you may confront. The topics that we’ve included cover more or less everything, from simple things such as how to host a brand new domain name in the account, to more intricate ones such as which SSH commands can be executed on the servers. Relevant articles about the features of a particular Control Panel section will always be available on the right side of the page that you are on, whereas the entire article archive can be accessed through the all-inclusive Help section.